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例 1:

Dear Prof. XXXX,

Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to XXXX (MS Number XXXX).

We have checked the manuscript and revised it according to the comments. We submit here the revised manuscript as well as a list of changes.

If you have any question about this paper, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Sincerely yours,


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  • individuals, characters, folks 替换 people , persons.
  • positive, favorable, rosy, promising, perfect, pleasurable, excellent, outstanding, superior 替换 good.
  • dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill 替换 bad(如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换。)
  • an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of, a host of, if not most 替换 many.
  • a slice of, quiet a few 替换 some.
  • harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that 替换 think。


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大多数科研人员认为简短、精练、简单是在撰写学术论文摘要时要遵循的几个要素,但芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)的研究人员在研究了100万篇学术论文摘要之后发现:长篇幅、辞藻华丽、大量运用专业术语的摘要反而会使论文的引用率更高。

相关研究结果发表在PLoS Computational Biology上,研究表明,常见的写作规则并不适用于科技论文的撰写,这一现象也可能反映了在线搜索对当今科学领域的发展所造成的多方面影响。

该研究的作者之一、芝加哥大学进化生态学教授兼计算研究所研究员Stefano Allesina说道:“有趣的是,我们发现科研人员所引用的内容实际上并不是读者真正想要了解的。这一现象带来的启发是,我们不应该相信那些我们认为理所当然的写作技巧。”

IEEE S&P 2015会议论文预读

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作者及原文:微月信-IEEE S&P 2015会议论文预读

IEEE S&P是Rank A的国际信息安全顶级会议,又称Oakland会议,尽管今年(2015)的会议召开还在五月份,不过官网已经给出了会议程序列表,将进行三天,每天4个Session,每个Session都会将相似方向的最新安全研究成果进行展示。关注顶会的论文和Session方向对安全研究人员是非常必要的。在程序列表中,出现了三篇国内相关的文章,一篇一作来自中科院的Le Guan(本科室友,在国内读博期间分别发了两篇顶会了,很不错的成果,恭喜,另一篇在NDSS 2014上);另一篇一作来自浙江大学的Boyuan He,看了下他们实验室主页,果然也是有真正学术大牛在引导;最后一篇非一作,来自上海交大。



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  1. 首先一定要注意杂志的发表范围, 超出范围的千万别投,要不就是浪费时间;另外,每个杂志都有他们的具体格式要求,一定要按照他们的要求把论文写好,免得浪费时间,前些时候,我的一个同事向一个著名的英文杂志投稿,由于格式问题,人家过两个星期就退回来了,而且说了很多难听的话,说投稿前首先就应该看清楚他们的格式要求;

  2. 论文写作一定要言简意赅,特别是摘要,引言和结论部分,特别是摘要和结论不能重复,发现有很多论文这两部分没有差别, 个人认为, 摘要是引人入胜的”药引子”,要留悬念;而结论是你论文得出的有证据的东西,要简单明了(很多人写了一大堆,把推测的结果都写上,这种论文质量很差); 另外,很多人认为数据越多, 发表的可能性越大,但经过读一些论文, 发现很多人的论文很烂, 感觉就是数据的简单堆积,所以,论文的重点应该在观点上,保证一篇论文一个新观点,已经足够了.

  3. 投稿时,一定要找和你做研究内容相近领域的专家作评阅人,最好是国外的,不是说国内的不好,但就怕有人和你(或你老板)有过节,而且国内的很多所谓专家水平一般,且小心眼;


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Writing Tips for Academics

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Little did I know that a Ph.D. in computer science would teach me more about how to write than any other previous experience I’d had. Indeed, research isn’t only about making new discoveries, but also about expressing those discoveries so that other people can appreciate them and their significance.

Below, I’ll present some thoughts on writing that I’ve picked up over the years and continually aim (and encourage students) to put into practice. I’ll focus on story-telling, presentation, and efficiency: how to write your paper so that it clearly, cleanly, and efficiently tells a good story.

What this post is not about. At least in this post, I won’t write about grammar—there is too much English grammar to cover in a single post, and there are plenty of good courses one can take to learn grammar. I also won’t talk about style (common phrases) or usage (e.g., commonly misused words). For now, my only advice on the topic of learning English grammar and style—both for native speakers and foreigners—is to read daily. Reading the New York Times, or The Economist are great places to start: the writing is generally of high quality, and you’ll also have something interesting to talk about outside of the lab. I have the impression that foreign students can tend towards reading their local news from home; that’s understandable, but I would encourage those students to also read periodicals and publications that are written in the style of English that people are used to reading in the Western world (indeed, English in different parts of the world has different tones, styles, idioms, and turns of phrase).

Writing a Technical Paper

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This document describes several simple, concrete ways to improve your writing, by avoiding some common mistakes. The end of this document contains more resources for improving your writing.

Some people believe that writing papers, giving talks, and similar “marketing” activities are not part of research, but an adjunct to it or even an undesirable distraction. This view is inaccurate. The purpose of research is to increase the store of human knowledge, and so even the very best work is useless if you cannot effectively communicate it to the rest of the world. Additionally, writing papers and giving talks will clarify your thinking and thereby improve your research. You may be surprised how difficult it is to clearly communicate your ideas and contributions; doing so will force you to understand them more deeply and enable you to improve them.


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Q: 我导师让我看的东西没有什么理论。我喜欢有beauty的事情。我觉得研究也应该有beauty,可是我每天看见的都是杂乱无章的东西,实在没意思。怎么办?

A: 我也喜欢有beauty的东西,包括研究。可是我真正喜欢做的恰恰是把今天看来ugly的东西变成beautiful的东西。这是我认为的scientific contribution. 如果你每天摆弄的已经是beautiful的东西,能有什么contribution呢?比如,LR文法很漂亮地解决了programming language的parsing,还有多少有眼光的学者愿意再研究此问题呢?